GreenSquareAccord Legal Saga Unraveled

Futile, exorbitant, and coercive - This is the GSA Way!

In the recent legal proceedings with GreenSquareAccord, the outcome didn't align with their expectations or their self-congratulatory article shared online.

I had previously extended a more generous offer for mediation before they pursued legal advice, although it would have required GSA to share an apology letter and agree to collaborative efforts, which, unfortunately, is not the GSA Way!

The judge scrutinised GreenSquareAccord during the proceedings, particularly highlighting concerns about bringing aspects of the case, such as copyright infringement, to the county court instead of the high court. The judge also questioned the appropriateness of the CEO, Ruth Cooke, seeking court intervention to limit freedom of speech without providing evidence of feeling threatened.

Interestingly, despite having sent me court costs totalling £9160 the day before, GreenSquareAccord swiftly agreed to my undertaking, dropping all costs before we had even set foot in the court. If you need evidence that this was nothing more than an attempt to threaten and intimidate me, this is it; this was not supposed to go to court.

I was eager to have the matter heard by the judge. Subsequently, I modified my undertakings, leading to a reluctant negotiation with Ms. Britton and Ms. Atkinson via their legal team, who initially drew a 'red line' under most points of contention but eventually relented when faced with the prospect of returning to court.

I want to make it clear that I've agreed not to contact the claimant directly. This decision is due to the realisation that reaching out to them has been a complete waste of time, as they have consistently demonstrated an inability to respond or rectify issues, often ignoring a majority of cases. Moving forward, any communication from me will be (as now agreed) through my legally appointed representative or a dispensation lawyer.

It's worth noting that Ms. Atkinson, in her role as Executive Director of Governance, is purportedly a qualified solicitor but has potentially further risked the claimant's reputation. This is due to her involvement in instigating this legal action, misleading the court in her statement, misguiding the ICO, and utilising funds for what appears to be a strategic lawsuit against public participation, amounting to a cost exceeding £9k.

This episode raises questions about the motives behind such legal actions and the potential repetitional risks associated with them. It also underscores the importance of transparency and fair representation in legal proceedings.

As we navigate through these legal intricacies, I remain committed to openness and accountability. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to reach out. A more in-depth post will be written in due course.

In the meantime I’m off for a weeks R&R!

Thank you for your continued support.


Further Reading:

My Letter to the Judge

My Response to the witness statement of GSA’s Customer Service Director

My Response to the witness statement of GSA’s Executive Director of Governance

Agreed Undertakings